UFO Talker
UFO Talker
The Sugarloaf Mountain Flap/ In the Summer of 1971 a mysterious UFO kept appearing around Sugarloaf Mountain in Campbellton, New Brunswick/Finally 2 RCMP officers chase it one night and try to communicate with it
Season 3 Episode 13. Host Michael Ryan and commentator Christine Scott analyze the Sugarloaf Mountain Flap of 1971. From August into September 1971 a mysterious UFO appeared over Sugarloaf Mountain in the town of Campbellton, New Brunswick. The discussion focuses on the RCMP report written by Corporal G. W. Snow. Several citizens have sightings of the UFO and finally one night, Constable Baragar and Constable Martel chase the UFO for almost 3 hours and try to communicate with it. If you are anyone you know were there during that Summer of 1971 and you saw the UFO, we would like to hear from you. You can contact Michael Ryan at: ufotalker@bell.net
To buy UFO Talker merchandise follow this link here.
Female announcer: Joy Ryan
Male announcer: Andrew Helbig
The National UFO Records Center link here
Christine Scott's Centennial Books 1230 Broad Street. Regina, Sask.