UFO Talker
UFO Talker
INTERVIEW: Two Halifax Policemen encounter a Black Triangle UFO on their nightshift/Also were multiple Tic Tac UFOs seen off Nova Scotia in the '70s?
Season 2 Episode 10. Host Michael Ryan interviews retired Halifax, Nova Scotia police constables Rick Prescott and Rob Furlong about their sighting of a black, triangle UFO during their nightshift. Rob Furlong also recalls a story from family friends who witnessed a Tic Tac shaped UFO hovering over the water late in the evening in the '70s. It plunged into the ocean and disappeared. Later a service personnel at Shearwater Air Force Base mentioned that they see these Tic Tac UFOs many times. If you are interested in the UFO shaped Christmas ornaments go to: 3DMiscellaneous and type in promo code UFOTALKER for a 25% discount. You can purchase Search for the Unknown by Matthew Hayes on Amazon sites.
To buy UFO Talker merchandise follow this link here.
Female announcer: Joy Ryan
Male announcer: Andrew Helbig
The National UFO Records Center link here
Christine Scott's Centennial Books 1230 Broad Street. Regina, Sask.