UFO Talker
UFO Talker
Does the Robert Sarbacher-Wilbert Smith memo prove that the U.S. has had crashed UFOs for over 70 years?/Interview with Matthew Hayes about this and his book Search For The Unknown
Season 2 Episode 3. Host Michael Ryan interviews author Matthew Hayes (who is an educator/researcher/writer/filmmaker) who wrote one of the most well-researched books on the Canadian government's interest in UFOs, conspiracy theories and Wilbert Smith that has ever been written. Host Michael Ryan takes a deep dive into the Robert Sarbacher-Wilbert Smith memo that has been the source of so much misinformation since it was discovered. This podcast may well be the definitive answer to the question: is this memo real? Matthew Hayes has his BA and MA in anthropology and has his PhD in Canadian studies. To read Matthew Hayes' research on the Robert Sarbacher-Wilbert Smith memo, go here. To watch Matthew Hayes' films, go here. Mr. Hayes spent a year going over 15,000 documents to write this book.
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Female announcer: Joy Ryan
Male announcer: Andrew Helbig
The National UFO Records Center link here
Christine Scott's Centennial Books 1230 Broad Street. Regina, Sask.